Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pivot Assembly Starts Today! - When I Grow Up

Pivot Assembly Starts Today! - When I Grow Up TODAY IS THE DAY! I can pretend I didnt mean to yell at you, but weve been working on this since January and Im so proudcited that ITS HERE I cant not scream it and run around like Kermit and write run-on sentences and put all the exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!! The epic  Pivot Assembly  I told you about launches today, and now is your best chance to jump in on this awesome virtual conference full of 16  free  interviews with today’s best career change experts. As part of the conference, you’ll have access to expert knowledge and guidance on how to shift from the job you’re in now, into the dream position, industry or business you’ve always wanted. My co-creator Jenny Foss of JobJenny.com and I are bringing 22 years of combined experience, and credits in  New York Magazine, Forbes, USA Today, The Muse, US News World Report, NBC News, Fast Company, Newsweek, and The Daily Beast  â€" just to name a few. Below you can find our inspiring freindleagues (yup, friends + colleagues) and what they’ll be offering you during the conference. To make things easy, we’ve broken up the free interviews into two tracks, depending on your ultimate professional goal. Because even though you  can  watch all 16 interviews, we know you can only sneak it in your cubicle for so long. Our Traditional Job Conversations: Paul Angone: getting unstuck at work Scott Barlow: building out your pivot strategy Jenny Blake: successfully pivoting to a new industry Jenny Foss: making yourself “make sense” on paper Crystal Marsh: making a pivot as a Millennial Miriam Salpeter: using social media to propel your career forward SheNegotiates: negotiating your best deal Our Entrepreneurship Conversations: Ash Ambirge: packaging your big idea (nailing the messaging) April Bowles-Olin: non-sleazy marketing Tara Gentile: launching an idea-driven business Jennifer Lee: business plans for creatives Laura Simms: why you shouldn’t follow your passion â€" and what to do instead Pamela Slim: finding the thread that ties your work together Danielle Spurge: the best way to start a handmade business Emilie Wapnick: career tips for multi-passionate people Me!: what to expect as a new entrepreneur You gotta jump on this today, though, to catch my interview along with Pauls, Jenny Blakes, Lauras and Jenns. Were releasing 5 interviews each day (6 on Friday!) and theyre only available to watch for free for 24 hours, so sign up  right here ASAP so you wont miss a thing. Extra awesome: Jump on this today, and you can purchase all of the interviews to keep indefinitely, PLUS 17 amazing career pivot resources (things like e-courses, books and online workshops) thrown in by our experts  for only $97! In real life, this would cost you a total of $2,698 if you purchased each item individually.  That’s a 96% savings, you guys.   Extra extra awesome:  Im contributing a live, exclusive-to-Pivot-Assembly workshop called  Unveiling Your Business Uniquity   Making It The Foundation of Your Brand.  When you find and claim your differentiators â€" and bring that into your branding â€" that’s when your business gets noticed, you book your ideal clients, and you feel authentic in your work. This live two-hour workshop will help you see what sets you apart from the others in your industry, how to craft your business message, why it’s wonderful to be a gatekeeper, and more. That workshop alone is worth the price of the entire bundle! I could not be happier about this. On Sept 16th, the price will jump to $179 (still a screaming deal!) and on the 25th, it will be gone forever. THE MORE I TYPE THE MORE EXCITED IM GETTING. This lineup. These conversations. The resources. The free 72 hours of interviews. The $2,601 you save if you decide to invest even more in yourself and your dream career. The joy, authenticity, and money-making opportunities that are waiting for you on the other sideLETS DO THIS THING! Full disclosure: If you wind up purchasing the Pivot Assembly bundle (which were calling PivotPlus) from clicking the links above, Ill get a kickback. This is how I make my income and get paid for the 65 hours ( counting!) Ive put into this offering, so let me say Thanks for helping me make a grown-up living doing work that I 3. Youll also be giving a $10 donation to my Avon team and RAINN, so therell be extra good going into the world. So appreciative.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Writing a Good Resume Tips - Some Tips For Writing a Good Resume

Writing a Good Resume Tips - Some Tips For Writing a Good ResumeIn order to get that job you have been yearning for, you need to have some helpful resume tips in writing a good resume. It does not matter if you are a male or female, young or old, having some tips on writing a good resume will make it possible for you to succeed in your endeavors to get that job. There are many different things that you can do in order to come up with these tips in writing a good resume. One of the most beneficial things that you can do is to know what to put on your resume and which areas to focus on.First of all, you will need to know what section you want to concentrate on. This will depend on the position that you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a technical engineer position, you will have to focus on that section of your resume. This will include details on your education, work experience, and what you are capable of doing on the job. With this information, you will have a better chance at getting hired.You will also need to include the on the job experience. As mentioned before, this will cover any experience that you have had that could be related to the job that you are applying for. However, you will need to focus on those experiences that were relevant to the job that you are applying for. Therefore, if you worked for a plumbing company for a while, your experience will probably cover any experience that you had working with plumbing or other general repair related situations. However, if you worked for a different company for a few years, your experience will most likely revolve around these specific topics.In addition to the experience, you will also need to include how much experience you have had. This will help ensure that your resume will get noticed and will get you the job. However, it will be very important that you put your experience on a separate page, and explainit from the perspective of a job seeker. Remember, you want your resume to be able to appeal to people and you don't want it to feel like a waste of time.Finally, you will want to include the overall impression that you can give to potential employers. This can be very difficult to accomplish, especially if you are new to the job market. However, you should remember that you should not sound too pushy in your letter of application. Remember, you want a letter that will be seen as professional and confident.If you are asking questions on your resume, try to ask them when you write your letter of application. In order to do this, you will need to put a little bit of effort into it. Just ask the question that you need to know the answer to and then answer it in the same way. For example, if you need the position that you are applying for to be at your location, you should ask the employer if they can provide you with the address. The trick here is to be clear in your letter of application, but be casual in the answers that you provide.A good resume should be interesting and should be easy to read. However, you need to make sure that it is written in a professional way and this is one of the easiest ways to do so. Another aspect that will help to create an attractive resume is to have your contact information printed on it. Your contact information is an important part of your resume and if you include it, your resume will be visible to all those who are looking for positions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Things You Should Know About Language Levels Resume

Things You Should Know About Language Levels Resume Language Levels Resume: the Ultimate Convenience! Because a human has more freedom of choice, a wider assortment of options, and more opportunities to produce subtle and hard choices than every other life form. You ought to have a particular languages' section which gives more thorough info on your ability. It is possible to also write formally or informally on a broad selection of topics. It is possible to speak or write comfortably on a wide array of topics. What You Need to Do About Language Levels Resume Starting in the Next Three Minutes As you get experience and knowledge, it will only become more difficult to choose what things to enumerate. There are occasions when it can make sense to depart from your language skills off your CV. To provide the employer a better idea about your language knowledge, include what you've done employing the language in prior jobs or associated experiences. Although the language is ex actly the same, the variation may be helpful for the hiring manager to understand. A normal language course is 3-5 hours per week, or 108-180 hours annually plus preparation beyond class. Emphasis is created on how that individual played a role in the development of the said firm. In the world today where the classroom is full of students from various cultures, it's crucial that you demonstrate an ability to adapt your teaching style to accommodate the demands of your students-all of those. Language skills are a fantastic asset in the current labour market, but not every job-seeker knows the way to draw attention to them. How to Choose Language Levels Resume Though your vocabulary is usually restricted to generic provisions, it's relatively substantial. You may always utilize visuals and words. You may also write standard material, but you may have to rephrase things to compensate for limited vocabulary. What's more, if you would like to list more than 1 language, you are going to be using up too much space. The Bad Secret of Language Levels Resume There's no such thing as across-the-board proficiency in a specific language. You have an extremely basic understanding of the language. Resume language skills are the same. Your language skills are just a little portion of your resume, therefore it's essential that also you recognize how to compose a resume by every section. If a particular language is vital for any given position, you can take an ideal certification exam. In addition, you'd be in a position to explain what that degree of proficiency means in practice. You should first evaluate your degree of proficiency so that you can accurately present it in your resume. There are various levels of language proficiency. How to Get Started with Language Levels Resume? Resumes are always accompanied by a cover letter, also called a work application letter in some specific nations. They are waking up to the latest trends and requirements in the market. Resumes and CVs are two terms that might be used interchangeably. Some English levelling schemes are constructed in to a specific English test, while some are theoretical frameworks with no associated test. Once you cannot say yes, you're know your level. Your level will choose the value of your skill with the business. The most dependable way to discover your English level is to have a well-designed assessment test.