Saturday, May 23, 2020

How To Keep That Image In The Mirror Looking Young

How To Keep That Image In The Mirror Looking Young Wouldn’t it just be nice if you could keep your same complexion and skin from your glory days? Unfortunately, that is not the way life works and as you age your collagen production is going to slow and your skin will suffer as a result. That being said there are also things that you are probably doing that aren’t doing your skin and face any favors. If you are already noticing that your face or skin is changing now is the time to take action before it is too late. With the following tips, you won’t have a problem maintaining that youthful, good looking complexion for years to come. Wash Your Face Before Going To Bed It is true that it is easy to forget to wash your face before you go to bed at night because you are exhausted, but this is a costly mistake. When you don’t properly cleanse your face before going to bed it can lead to oil and dirt build up, which is going to eventually lead to breakouts and bacterial infections. Who wants to deal with annoying breakouts that could cause permanent acne scarring? Simply keeping a pack of face wipes by the bed can be a great reminder to clean your face. Take Advantage Of The Right Products There are a number of facial products on the market that can help you maintain that youthful complexion. There are even products available that can restore your skin and complexion. Just look at anti-aging cream. Not only are these products extremely easy to use, but also they come with a number of scientifically proven benefits. They help eliminate dead skin cells, they reduce skin spots, and they even help keep your moisture levels balanced. Here is an anti aging cream you must buy in Malaysia. Be Careful With Sunscreen The harsh rays of the sun can break down collagen and elastin, which causes fine lines and wrinkles. So, it would not be highly advisable to leave home without a good sunscreen, but you might be surprised to learn that the wrong sunscreen can do just as much damage to your screen as well. Sunscreen can clog your pores and cause blemishes to pop up. If you are acne prone, you should consider investing in sunscreen that is oil free. It is also good to look for brands that are fragrance-free and broad spectrum. Be Careful With Your Phone Do you find that you spend an incredible amount of time with your cellphone jammed up against your face? Well, this can lead to breakouts and rashes along your jawline. Just think of all the bacterium that your phone is exposed to on a daily basis and when you are using your phone, you are simply putting your face into contact with bacteria. A good way to battle this is by making sure that you are cleaning your screen on a daily basis with some sort of antibacterial wipe. Another good way to avoid this is by investing in a hands-free set so that you never have to put your phone against your face again.

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